Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Format For Writing a Newspaper Article

You basically have two choices when you want to become a news article writer. It's either you write for broadsheet or for tabloids. If you want to focus on more serious issues, broadsheets will suit your best. Here's how you can write articles for them:
1. Choose your stories wisely. As you're writing for broadsheets, that means that you're serving people with higher level of education. Your articles will most likely to be read by politicians, businessmen, and young professionals. As such, you need to be very careful when choosing your stories. Your audience generally does not care about local news and police reports. They'd rather spend their precious time reading stories about the government, the economy, sports, and news from around the globe.
2. Research your stories thoroughly. Your audience expects to get complete information and nothing less. So, research your stories thoroughly and make sure that you do not leave any stone unturned. Make time to interview all people who have something to say about your story. Then, verify the information you have gathered and make sure that they are all based on facts.
3. Use captivating headlines. Get your audience to read your news articles by using compelling headlines. Using as few words as possible, tell your readers what your article is all about. Whenever possible, use terms that can evoke action or those that can push the emotional hot buttons of your target audience.
4. Use the inverted pyramid technique. Give your readers the most valuable information that they're looking for on your first paragraph. Doing this will help you make sure that you'll still be able to educate or inform these people even if they choose not to read your articles until the end due to time constraints.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Education Crisis

Take a moment and think about that. One Hundred Fifty Million Dollars in one city, Chicago, and it barely made a dent. No matter what newspaper you read, TV news that you watch or radio talk show you listen to, the conclusion is always the same, "Spending more money on a broken system will not fix the problem, it will only make it bigger".
Interestingly enough most school districts in the United States offer more "Special Education" programs for students each year than the year before with very little improvement on the academic advancement of the students that these programs were created for.
The public school crisis in the United States has become much like the nursery rhyme entitled, "Humpty Dumpty". By adding a little twist, the ending could go like this, "All the legislators and all the tax money could not put the public school system together again". However, the problem does not end when a student leaves high school. Many states have had to establish programs to teach high school graduates basic educational and social skills to enable them to be assimilated into the work force. 
So what is the problem? Why is the public school system failing? There are several answers to these questions, but I want to address one issue that can have a great impact on the public school crisis, parenting. Parents must become responsible for their children. The public school system was established to help educate children not to be responsible for children.
One of the greatest mishaps that have happened in the United States especially among the "boomer" generation is the thought that more money makes for good family life. Their certainly is nothing wrong with parents pursuing a better life for themselves and their children, but money will never take the place of a parent devoting daily time interacting with their children. It is never too late to shut down the excessive television viewing or turn off the excessive video gaming and spend time interacting one on one with your children.
According to an October 1 2007, CBS News report, researchers found that children who watched more than two hours of television per day from age 2 1/2 until age 5 1/2 were more likely to develop sleep attention, have fewer social skills and develop aggressive behavior problems than those who watched less. The report also reveals that parents need to monitor their children's television use, especially during the early childhood years.To combat this problem parents must adjusting their children's play and free time with less TV and more parent child interaction.
Numerous studies reveal that the greatest impact upon a child's development happens between infancy and age 6. This means that when parent invest their time through daily interaction with their children between these ages, they will be providing them with the ability to successfully grow and learn. When you think about it, what parents are actually doing during this phase of a child's life is preparing them to become successful and productive adults.
What greater legacy than to see your little boy or girl become an adult more successful and more productive than you and to see them invest quality time into their children because of you. As more parents participate in the daily lives of their children, they will receive a far greater return on their investment than they will from their 401k plan
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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Activity Can Be Educational For Children Too

When adults think of children's toys or activities which are educational they may have a tendency to think of children sitting quietly undertaking a task by themselves such as reading a book or playing with a jigsaw. In fact toys and activities which are viewed as good for a child's education and development are far more wide reaching than you might first imagine, and can include anything from helping you hang the washing out to charging about enjoying a noisy game of football! With today's media hype about childhood obesity never far from our screens, radios or newspapers the fact that activity can be educational and good for childhood development is one piece of news we can all welcome!
Get motoring
When a child is active they are essentially developing their Gross Motor skills, recognised as an important contributor to a child's overall development. These are the skills required to move the larger muscles in the arms, legs and body, for example to walk, run, throw, lift and kick. They relate to body awareness, a sense of co-ordination, reaction, speed, balance and strength. Traditional toys which help stimulate gross motor development include things like ride on toys, skipping ropes and bicycles for older children.
Get kids involved
The great news about encouraging kids to get active is that as busy parents trying to juggle many activities in your own lives, you can get the children involved alongside you rather than always separating play time and 'task' or 'job' time. No one is disputing that one on one focused play time with a parent or carer is essential for a child's wellbeing and development but it's good to know there are ways you can successfully incorporate playing with your child into your own daily routines so that you can get on with the job in hand while your child develops, learns and is active alongside you.
Get on ... together
How many times have you told the kids to 'go off and play' while you get on with the chores, such as preparing dinner, a spot of DIY or tackling the ironing bin? Instead, how about getting your child their own toy ironing board and iron and chatting to them as you 'iron' together, or their own toolkit so they can feel like they are helping you build that chest of drawers / hang that curtain rail up? Children just love mimicking activities undertaken by their older role models and you can really bond with a child in this way as well as teach them as you go. Show them how you press the clothes carefully, then hang them up to look after them so that they begin to learn important lessons such as respect for belongings. Help them overcome the frustration they will undoubtedly experience when trying to build something explaining that it's important not to give up but to keep calm and try again. And share the excitement and sense of achievement when they do complete the task in hand.
Get them involved in your hobbies too - if you love being outside in the garden encourage them to be involved. There are plenty of children's gardening toolkits on the market which can also double up for some fun in the sandpit. Sometimes it's not the children's imagination that needs stimulating, it's our own creative outlook on how to approach things! So go on, get active, get them involved and have some fun with the kids!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Forex Education - 6 Vital Tips for Novice Traders

If you want to make money in currencies you need the right forex education and it's a fact any trader can learn forex trading and be successful but most fail to make money. This article will give you 6 tips so you can enjoy currency trading success.
Here are your forex tips in no order of importance but there all essential to your trading success.
1. Success Rests On Your Shoulders
No one else can make you rich you have to understand what you are doing to get the confidence to follow your path with discipline. If you don't understand what you are doing then your discipline will go as soon as you have some losses.
If you cannot follow a forex trading strategy with discipline you have no system.
2. Forex trading is NOT easy
Anyone can learn to trade but the really hard part is the mindset to succeed.
Do not believe anyone who tells you that it is and sells systems saying that you will make money every month or they can predict prices they can't. There is a huge market for these systems and there mostly junk and come with a worthless simulated track record. As we said success comes from understanding what you are doing and self education is the key that will make you successful.
Forex trading is not easy and wouldn't expect it to be with the rewards to be had but the good news is - it's not that hard either.
3. Work Smart Not Hard
Most traders think the harder they work the more money they will make. In many areas of life this is true but not in forex markets! You get paid for being right with your trading signal and that's it.
Work smart and learn the right knowledge and avoid all the common myths that most traders fall for which include:
- Day trading systems make money.
- You need to predict forex prices to win.
- The more complicated your trading strategy the more likely you are to win.
- Trading news stories is a great way to make money.
None of the above are true - there all myths we have covered even more in our other articles so look them up.
4. Use Forex Technical Analysis
It's simply the most time efficient and best way to trade.
You can learn it in around two weeks and then spend just 30 minutes a day executing your trading signals - and that's it. All you need to do is learn to act on the reality of price change and not predict.
5. Keep it Simple!
Simple currency trading systems work better than complicated ones, as they tend to be more robust.
Complicated systems fail in real time trading as they have too many elements to break.
6. Know Your Trading Edge
Your trading edge is something that will give you an advantage that will allow you to make profits when 95% of traders lose. You must understand it and be confident that it will lead you to forex trading success. If you don't know what it is you don't have one and its time to continue with your forex education until you do.